SEND - Local Offer

At Ashill Primary School, we aim to provide a stable and stimulating environment that ensures that children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) have access to all areas of school life in such a way so as to achieve as much integration with their peers as possible.

The Special Educational Needs and Disability Co-ordinator (SENDCo) at Ashill Primary School is Katy Rushby. If you would like to speak to either Emma Johns or Katy Rushby with regards to your child's learning, please make an appointment via the school office.

For more information about how we ensure children's special educational needs are considered, please view the documents below.

For information about how the Local authority work to meet the needs of SEN pupils please follow the below link to view Somerset's SEN offer and refer to the below video which outlines the role of Somerset's Graduated Response Tool.

Page Downloads Date  
Ashill SEND Information Report 01st Mar 2024 Download
Ashill Annual SEND report 2024 01st Mar 2024 Download
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